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Sedation Dentistry Wake Forest

If visiting the dentist causes you anxiety and fear, you are not alone. Many people avoid the dentist altogether because they are frightened by some aspect of dental care. However, Davidian Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has solutions for maximizing your comfort and minimizing your fear, so that you can receive the proper maintenance and care for your teeth.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Sedation dentistry can take the fear out of dental care. We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as well as conscious sedation. Nitrous oxide is administered through a mask placed on a patient’s nose. Breathing in the gas allows you to relax, and wears off relatively quickly. Nitrous oxide is safe and we able to control the amount of sedation you receive.

Conscious Sedation

Davidian Family & Cosmetic Dentistry also offers conscious sedation. Though you will feel groggy, conscious sedation offers deep relaxation for patients while also allowing us to communicate with you throughout the procedure.

Contact Davidian & Cosmetic Family Dentistry

Regular dental check-ups and maintenance are important for the health of your teeth and gums. Do not let fear and anxiety keep you from important dental procedures. Contact us to find out more about how conscious sedation and nitrous oxide sedation can help make your dental visit as comfortable as possible.